Welcome to Early Years - Beech Class
Welcome to our Reception Beech Class.
Our exciting topics are immersed throughout the setting so all children are experiencing the same learning opportunities which are tailored to the individual needs of the child. We are adaptable in our approach and work to incorporate the interests of our pupils as we plan activities and follow their curiosities.
This year our topic themes are: |
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
It's good to be me | Celebrations | Explorers | Tell me a story | New life | The Great Outdoors |
Our learning environment includes our stimulating indoor and outdoor areas, providing the children with a place to explore, be hands on and observe the world around them. We offer a range of planned activities and child-initiated opportunities throughout the unit, enabling the children to build their own learning journey.
At Hawthorn Primary School, it is our intent that all children become confident and lifelong readers. We believe that phonics provides the foundations to learn to read fluently, accurately and confidently. We know that reading is the key that unlocks the whole curriculum and enables them to access their learning. With that in mind we passionately believe that, with the right support, all children can and will learn to read. Therefore, for all children to be successful, we have adopted the Read Write Inc (RWI) systematic, synthetic phonics programme. It aims to teach our children the core skills of segmenting and blending accurately and to start them on their ‘reading and writing journey’. We value the importance of oracy and students being able to articulate with fluency and confidence. They apply this knowledge when reading carefully matched texts that introduces a range of vocabulary, challenges their phonological ability and allows them to develop their comprehension skills.
We ensure pupils develop the phonetic skills required to become confident early readers, enabling them to approach the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1 with confidence and enthusiasm. Reading does not stop at the end of the RWI session, a love of literature will be at the heart of all learning. Books open up a whole host of learning opportunities and are the basis of wider curriculum opportunities
Our Unit Author is Julia Donaldson. The children will read stories and poetry daily and they will be encouraged to create and perform their own stories.
As the Children progress through Early Years we aim to provide them with the skills needed to become confident, independent, resilient and reflective learners who are proud of their achievements and ready to move into Key Stage One.
Beech Key People
Mrs C Hoskins Early Years Teacher |
Mrs C Prior Early Years Teacher |
Mrs M Bailey Early Years Teacher |
Miss T Boyle Higher Level Teaching Assistant |
Our Current Learning - Our Focused Texts
This Autumn 2 term we will be exploring Celebrations.
We will at Celebrations through exciting stories such as:
Home Learning
Homework will be sent home weekly in their reading packet.
Reading - when pupils are ready to begin learning to read, a reading diary and book to match their phonic ability will be sent home, this is usually during their reception year. We encourage you to read the book three times with your child. The first read will be where they decode the words, by the third read we are looking for fluency and understanding. Reading a whole book can be daunting so break it down and read a few pages at a time. This should be an enjoyable experience.
Please fill in their reading diary so we can celebrate their achievements and record when they have read in school.
Reading and looking at books together are strongly encouraged both at home and at school. Children will be able to read and look at books with adults throughout their daily session.
We also offer a library service and an opportunity for parents and carers to come into the class and read with your child on a weekly basis. The books are not signed in or out, all we ask is that you return one before taking another.
Home Learning challenges will also be set using Tapestry each half term.
Things to remember
Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing each day i.e. waterproof coat, sun hat, welly boots etc.
We access the outdoors regardless of the weather. You may wish to leave a pair of wellies in school.
Please ensure all clothing and footwear is clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Children in Beech class will do a range of physical activities - so please ensure they have sensible footwear and clothing which allows them to move freely.
All children need to bring a water bottle daily. Please ensure this is clearly labelled.