Welcome to Year 3 - Willow Class
In Year 3 our aim is to continue to develop confident learners who have the key skills, knowledge and personal characteristics for a successful future learning career. We try, whenever we can, to link our learning to our topics to develop our understanding through cross curricular links.
Willow Class Key People
Mr T Sheppeck Class Teacher
Mrs G Merchant - Senior Teaching Assistant
Current learning:
PE Days & Things to Rembember
Our PE days are xxxxx and xxxxxxxx
Children will be expected to change into the school PE kit. This can be brought to school every Monday and taken home each Friday. Please make sure all PE kit is clearly labelled.
Reading books and Reading Diaries must be brought to school every day. Adults will be listening to your child read and we love to talk to the children about the reading they have been doing at home.
Please make sure all uniform and water bottles are labelled.
Monday |
Reading book & reading diary |
Spellings sent home |
Tuesday | PE kit needed | Reading book & reading diary | |
Wednesday | Reading book & reading diary | ||
Thursday | Reading book & reading diary | Homework journal brought to school | |
Friday | Reading book & reading diary |
Home Learning
Monday | |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday | |
Thursday | |
Friday |
Our Spellings...
Spellings from EYFS & Key Stage 1 plus....